Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oooeey Gooey Cinnamon Rolls (Part UN!)

So recently I've been going back to old recipes I've found and trying to perfect them. For instance...I can make baked coconut shrimp with apricot marmalade sauce with my eyes closed now, and yes it taste decent. So the last time I tried cinnamon rolls they were pretty much weak sauce. The frosting was way too runny, and the rolls were....well dried out biscuits.

So this first try wasn't too bad...I enjoyed the frosting (cream cheese base) and the rolls weren't to crisp or undercooked.

What's great about this recipe is that you don't have to have a bread maker in order to set your dough. Which probably 90% of the recipes out there for cinnamon rolls require a couple steps in a bread maker (boo).

So we start out with a little yeast in your milk and flour...that brings you to here:

[This dough has been sitting for an hour and has doubled in size]

Here we rolled out the dough and then topped it off with our delicious filling.
note: this is where I made my mistake. I shouldn't have rolled it out so thin. For thicker rolls I'd go with a little less than half an inch.

The filling primarily just consisted of cinnamon and brown sugar...it's like peanut butter and jelly ;)

Of course I made sure that the brown sugar clumps were all smoothed out once it had been distributed....

Now we're rollinnnn.....

20 minutes and a cinnamon scented kitchen....

Perdy....but not exactly where I wanted them to be....This is why I call this Part 1!!

2 batches of frosting later.............

Do you ever get the store bought kinds and think "hey this would be great....with more frosting!!"....So the first batch didn't hack it so I made it and doubled the fun.

Then off to dailies I go to feed Team Chakafeel woot woot!

:When I have a good recipe I will post it for you guys, but for now this is experimente' part Un :

Until next time...keep it frosty

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