So I received this as an awesome Christmas gift from Karen (thank you!), but could never find a good time to actually make it. Luckily Bill and Karen came for the weekend to check out our Apartment and have a nice little dinner with us. So what perfect timing to be able to share a great gift (and write a review)!
So the directions are a bit confusing....
It starts asking you to cream the butter (standard) then mix with the egg mix??....Well let me clarify or give you my interpretation of the directions.
- First just cream the butter than add your sugar....Let this become nice and fluffy
Note: the sugar had been pre-packaged for your convenience ;)
- Second, as the butter and sugar are creaming add the batter mix and a half a cup of milk in 3 increments. Make sure you start with the batter mix, then some milk, and then you should end with adding the rest of the mix to your new creamy batter.
-Third, set this aside and clean your mixing bowl. Attach your whisk attachment and whip up 3 egg whites. Whip for 4 minutes until you have stiff peaks.
-Fourth, add a little of the egg mix into the creamy batter. Now start to fold in the rest of the batter into the egg mix until fully corporated.
-Fifth, continue with the rest of the directions on the can....It's finally clear from here...FINALLY.
-Third, set this aside and clean your mixing bowl. Attach your whisk attachment and whip up 3 egg whites. Whip for 4 minutes until you have stiff peaks.
-Fourth, add a little of the egg mix into the creamy batter. Now start to fold in the rest of the batter into the egg mix until fully corporated.
-Fifth, continue with the rest of the directions on the can....It's finally clear from here...FINALLY.
Then you get some of these !!
They look like sugar cookies on top...yes, nice and sweet ;)
Yes, I know you've seen these wraps before, I was in a hurry!! Get off my back! jk
Conveniently the canister comes with directions to some nice frosting.
Yay! Cupcakes got a hat!
Classic Vanilla Frosting


Easy, Convenient, Fast, and Delicious
**I give it 2 thumbs up for sure!**

Conveniently the canister comes with directions to some nice frosting.

Classic Vanilla Frosting
But at the end of the day we all enjoy a little extra something...America's favorite dunking cookie!


**I give it 2 thumbs up for sure!**

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