Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Zeh GehrmEns are Coming!

Back in action after a week or two....

I brain-stormed with my sugarplum and we decided that I should try to make German chocolate based cupcake....

So I've been following David Lebovitz HERE :
He has an amazinggggg German Chocolate cake....so why not turn it into a cupcake!?

The chocolate base smelled like heaven...
.just the right mixture of semi sweet and unsweetened chocolate for the right taste.

Eventually the cupcakes came out super moist, light, and fluffy....Just the way German Cake was intended to be made like. The trick was to fold in some whipped egg whites and sugar. Kept the consistency of the batter to be fluffy.

An Hour later all prepped and assembled...
(cupcakes can be cooked for about 20 min)

So first I made a cavity on the top of the cupcakes then rimmed them with the chocolate frosting. (Make sure everything is at room temp or nothing will assemble properly!)

After rimming the cupcakes, I filled them with the coconut-pecan mixture.
and voi-la!----German Chocoalte Cupcakes!

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